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Kristine Sizemore | Birmingham, AL

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Sales Process

Listen to this episode to learn how to succeed at repeatedly uncovering your buyers' pain points by adopting the "doctor" mindset and mastering the pain funnel process.

If you utilize that "my biggest fear", you are dealing with that objection early in the process. Our upfront contract is strategically designed to neutralize those potential objections early in the process.

Are you looking to drive faster in decision-making in sales? In this episode, Sandler coach Brian Jackson discusses how to succeed at driving faster decisions in sales.

We are thrilled to introduce you to an exciting opportunity that promises to revolutionize your sales approach and skyrocket your success. Say hello to "Sandler Training" – the renowned and proven method that has empowered countless professionals around the world to achieve extraordinary sales results.

Price increases: they happen. Let’s face it, they’re part of business. But communicating about them effectively with buyers isn’t always something salespeople are given a lot of guidance on. 

It's easy to slip into "defense" mode when a buyer appears to criticize our company or our product; however, the moment we start defending anything to a buyer we're losing control of the sale.

In this episode, Jeff Stasiuk talks about the significance of writing effective field copy that can grab people's attention and lead them toward the sales funnel.

In this episode, Danny Wood will teach you how to create a powerful elevator pitch that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

It’s usually pretty easy for us to think about the seller’s journey. That’s our sales process, and most of us are accustomed to thinking about that journey, simply because we already know what our own decision-making process looks like for deciding who we want to work with (and who we don’t). But what about the buyer’s decision-making process?

As an effective sales leader, you want to ensure, through your personal example, that you are walking your talk when it comes to decisions that support the first two pillars, sales process and methodology. Here are three important ways you can do that.